How keyword research right and with no competition

How keyword research right and with no competition

How keyword research right and with no competition

In the world of bloggers research keyword already so desperately needed, not just know but indeed a blogger should already understand the correct "how to research the correct keyword" because if PAL wants her blog is first google certainly already ascertained keyword is the correct answer to achieve it.

When lots of people are busy writing articles to thousands but not also generate traffic sourced from organic or search google, while there is little article but that has all been in the order of the first google search.

Now live your own who choose which is better ?

Hmm the answer certainly blogs that have an article slightly but remained in the number one sort of google search.

I think up here buddy can already understand the importance of keyword research so.

Therefore let us learn the same "how to research keywords right ' continues to read this simple article Yes!

Here's a few preparations which ye shall prepare:

Provide the Sub-niches that you want to research
Fresh domain and hosting
Ahrefs account
KR Account (Optional)
List site competitors at least 3

The first step (Keyword Ideas)

For this first step requires you to take out the ideas and imagination in defining a "major topics" to sort "keyword into your ideas"

My Engadget date feb 10, 2017 (if not wrong) to solo for HP in repairman samsung service center, travel from the ground floor up top I don't melirak lyrics here and there, but I noticed was kamera2 and other electronics.

From there it is terbesit desire to find berita how price comparison camera in mall with online or at roadside gerai2, dara also finally met.

However it is not my intention to buy a camera, but I want to build a blog about camera.

After that there is a desire, I get some coffee while sitting at and ngelamun as well as this kind of thinking, "if I build a blog about camera surely persaningan had been very tight even harder"

Then I drill down to the sub-subsection of the camera it's what? well see you deh ranging from background, his tips2, etc. are much more.

Eventually all ide2 of sub-niches on the camera I'm looking after my home, my data is collected in the form of 10 sub-categori about camera and 10 competitors.

From the 10th-subniche tsb I sort them again using the feeling just to make it easier and more efficient in doing keyword research.

So stay 2 sub-niches and 2 site competitors.

Remember huh?

We must make as competitors in doing keyword research is a "website that has a small PA/DA-CF-TF/Backlinks are a bit low but was in the top 10 of the keyword ideas that we specify"

OK, I think you already understand the mahsud quote above. Then I open the site ahrefs to peep my competitors daleman, i.e. from 2 site they will be. Here's how it looks

from 2 site they will be. Here's how it looks

The filter like this, could be modified according the ability

filter keywords like this
After that, download/export all keywordnya and save! and the first step is over done, alias alias completed, it means that until the first point is already clear. :)

The second step (the process of searching for a keyword)

After the data keyword ideas in step 1 is complete, we heartily into two, lajut Jesus we register the domain and hosting.

Research keyword kok even as far as to register all domain and hosting?

This mas, ya. I will teach you how to get the actual low keyword competiton, where all people will agree that the keywords that you will use later on really low competition or NO competition
OK next..
I consider all already understand how reg with the following domains and hosting to WP installation up and running.

Yuk, dilanjut again until the servants:)
well, if you've been doing WP installation with a fresh domain we continue next step. We see again one step above Yes?

From the case study I above, I found
+ 1500 keywords from competitor's site that I got, from 1500 + keyword that I make keyword untama keyword for every 1 1 post and 6 LSI keywords as tags. and should be finished maximal 3 days
Agan not have asked how to do post 1500 + in a short time, many tools/plugin/services to do it all, but I hire people of India which he said cheap merit orang2:)

Well, after to the 1500 + keyword is already becoming a posting, then I submit to Google search console to do submit sitemap and fetch us goolge, goal agan all post/tags terindex very quickly.


Do not build any backlinks to this blog, and even don't optimization onpage though.
Great, we've got steps 1 and 2, it's time to step 3 aka pemungkas.

The third step (specify keywords)

Wel, it's time we execute a low competition keyword or even NO competition for us to make moneysite.

After stage 1 and 2 are completed, and we have thousands of blog index (should be within 7 days of already existing index + 2 k) but if you want to be patient somewhat longer Yes please wait until its full index.

Well, when we make a blog with domain fresh above already has 1000 + index we continue to mengintik keyword with Low competitionnya.

This is my case study:

Unmur blog to this second-+ 12hari, fresh domain, without I love backlinks matter and 1 postnya contains only the title and description only.

Hasil riset
The following keywords that I'm looking for 12 days

The following keywords that I'm looking for 12 days
Keyword-keyword above we can deduce if the keyword really low competition or even NO kompetition because:

Age 1 month < blog
Blog without backlinks (though there is 2, it came from the blog agc) so useless
The post only contains the Tittle and description only
Without Onpage SEO/Off page SEO
But could be in the top 20 even at # 8 with 10,000 searches per month.

So, that's how I search for keywords with LOW/NO Competition.

Human beings are indeed perfect, if not perfect means will not experience failure and success. That's the real meaning of perfect-my version.

The fourth step (execute keyword to the money site)

From step 3 we can already mengabil conclusion that the utmost keyword2 "LOW competition or NO competition".

Here is my take on the data Keyword No. 1 and 2, the reason being:
The keyword has a High volume of serach
Keyword 1 and 2 still have a relationship of fraternity:)
Could occupy the Top 10 Google without backlinks, so it's very easy to be at # 1 just by doing Onpage optimization and some ore just links
For other keyword we can make as a posting backers or made a new Moneysite.

Now, about that's the way the beginning of building a successful blog by doing keyword research is right, so don't spend a lot of effort, money and time.

Netx time keyword research, how to master the advanced level.

Credit bye : Tanpa Nama

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