Download Adsense click fraud monitoring Gratis

Adsense click fraud monitoring Gratis

Adsense click fraud monitoring Gratis

Apa itu Adsense click fraud monitoring ?

click fraud monitoring ialah plugin untuk memonitor Klik penipuan / pemantauan iklan Google AdSense dan lain membayar per klik iklan penjual. "," Mencegah Anda untuk melarang dan dikeluarkan dari akun AdSense sebab berbahaya pihak ketiga klik pada iklan di situs web Anda.

Dalam arti lain plugin ini digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya boom klik kita dapat melihat acara click tidak valid yang terjadi di blog kita, Makara pastinya kau membutuhkan plugin ini kan heheheh.

mau lihat demonya dulu juga mampu kok sob silahkan klik disini 

Download Adsense click fraud monitoring Gratis

Unduh Adsense click fraud monitoring Gratis

Features Adsense click fraud monitoring 

  1. Disable Ads when a user clicks multiple times on them
  2. User will be banned and blocked for further clicks
  3. Manual blocking by entering a list of several IP addresses
  4. Automatic Unblocking of ip addresses
  5. Support for third party caches like W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, WP Super Cache
  6. See URL and path of clicked ads
  7. Statistic and analytic: See all clicks on yours ads, sort able by IP, URL and Time
  8. Works, even without reloading (jQuery and Ajax)
  9. Works with every Theme
  10. E-Mail notification for blocked user
  11. Activating and disabling of all Ads with one click
  12. Use it in content, sidebars and widget sections
  13. Simple installation and setup
  14. No garbage left: Removes all plugin tables and settings in the WP database when uninstalled
  15. Service and support by the author
  16. Periodic updates and improvements.

How does it work?

The Plugin counts all clicks on your Ads. When the clicks exceeds a specified number it will be deactivated and hidden. The clicking user or bot will be blocked on a IP basis for further clicks. At the same time the plugin sends you a notification by email.

Why would Google ban me?

In easy words: Google takes care that every click on any AdSense advertising is done by a real human visitor. Automatic clicks by crawl bots or a lot of automated or manual processed clicks (a so-called Clickbomb) can lead to a complete and permanent exclusion from the Google AdSense service. All your earnings are lost and it is very hard to get back the access to your account. (In most cases impossible)
The motivation behind such automatic clicks is very different. Maybe some competitor wants to harm you or a technical leads to multiple clicks by a human user. They all have in common that you as the AdSense account owner are responsible for any click fraud. You recognize unusual clicks when your page CTR is 1 – 3 % averaged and than it jumps up to 5, 10 or even more.

Unduh disini 

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